High level of security - hosted on the Amazon Cloud
Tailored candidate application forms that only request the information required for each
individual's checks
Growing database of 100,000+ Employers, Academic institutions, benefit offices etc.
Fully branded and formatted letter templates that can be modified by customers to suit
their requirements
Standard letter templates by industry i.e. FCA, BPSS, Aviation security (for airfreight
etc), BS7858, Airside pass letter templates for all UK airports.
Gapchecker - ensures that no unexplained gaps remain on candidate's files (gap length
can be set to individual company requirements)
Candidate workflow
Reference requests automatically formatted for post, fax (with coversheet) or can be
directly emailed from the system.
System generated daily to-do list to ensure regular chasing of references
Automatically generates Progress reports and Final report
Information release form can be uploaded to the system plus other documents i.e.
supporting documents for Criminal Record checks where required
Management information on multiple data types
Secure log-in
Can be set up for multiple users at multiple locations with high level management 'super
user' log-ins