• High level of security - hosted on the Amazon Cloud
  • Tailored candidate application forms that only request the information required for each individual's checks 
  • Growing database of 100,000+ Employers, Academic institutions, benefit offices etc.
  • Fully branded and formatted letter templates that can be modified by customers to suit their requirements
  • Standard letter templates by industry i.e. FCA, BPSS, Aviation security (for airfreight etc), BS7858, Airside pass letter templates for all UK airports.
  • Gapchecker - ensures that no unexplained gaps remain on candidate's files (gap length can be set to individual company requirements)
  • Candidate workflow
  • Reference requests automatically formatted for post, fax (with coversheet) or can be directly emailed from the system.
  • System generated daily to-do list to ensure regular chasing of references
  • Automatically generates Progress reports and Final report
  • Information release form can be uploaded to the system plus other documents i.e. supporting documents for Criminal Record checks where required
  • Management information on multiple data types
  • Secure log-in
  • Can be set up for multiple users at multiple locations with high level management 'super user' log-ins

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